Thank you for your interest in learning more about the Veterans Court of Southern Indiana Program. This program helps people with behavioral health disorders, such as substance use and/or mental health, get the support they need to thrive. Veterans Treatment Court is a type of problem-solving court. Problem-solving courts help people by providing services and support. If you're accepted and complete the program, you may also avoid a sentence of incarceration.
The Veterans Court of Southern Indiana is a specialized court that closely monitors veterans in the court system who want treatment for alcohol/substance addiction or serious mental health illness. The mission is to successfully rehabilitate veterans involved in the court system using evidence based treatment to positively change their behavior to lead productive, law-abiding civilian lives.
The court was established in 2011 and certified by the Office of Court Services January 2012. Veterans Court is a community effort of the Court, Prosecution, Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs, Community Corrections, local law enforcement and community treatment professionals in southern Indiana. The team of professionals works together for the benefit of veterans.
Participants are required to attend regular court appearances before the Hon. Maria D. Granger, supervising Judge of the Floyd County Veterans Court (Team Alpha), Hon. Jason Mount, supervising Judge of the Scott County Veterans Court (Team Bravo), and Hon. Andrew Adams, supervising Judge of the Clark County Veterans Court (Team Charlie). The program requires a total commitment to be clean, sober and healthy and lead a law-abiding life. Participants are required to follow and successfully complete a treatment plan. Treatment begins immediately upon the veteran’s first appearance in court.